MARTINI Project: (MARTINI - Making and Remaking Things that Inspire the Imagination:
This as a upcycling project in which women worked on repurposing saris; re-finishing picture frames; repairing jewelry and furniture; and making Cariwest costumes.
MARTINI ran for one year and included the following:
Sari Up-cycling: This component was led by Lydia Boodram with staff help and 12 participants. Created schedule for: learning sewing machines; cutting workshops; designing pieces, stitching and finishing seams etc. Also ensured all in place for special event , training the models etc.
CARIWEST Participation - This component was led by Cheryl Sheridan with staff help and a contracted costume designer. Work in this component included selection of fabric; recruiting mas players; measuring all participants for costume fitting; stitching, gluing, bending wire, encouraging volunteers; and so much more.
MARTINI Mondays – focussed on re- purposing old frames & flowers; repairing jewelry; creating a rag rug with scraps of saris; re-furbishing old tables; embroidering tea towels; and repainting and decorating used diyas (earthen lamps). Ten Mondays were held through the year and ended iwhen participants from the Worker Bs project joined in some of its activities.CWN staff led this segment.
Power in Numbers