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Youth Exchange & P.L.A.C.E. for Younger Women

– P.L.A.C.E. (Peer leadership and Capacity Enhancement) for Younger Women . Younger women, ages 18-39 were involved as learners and service providers.
-Two Youth Exchanges were organized with assistance from the YMCA of Edmonton- Youths from Edmonton visited with youths from Toronto and hosted the Toronto youths in Edmonton.

– P.L.A.C.E. (Peer leadership and Capacity Enhancement) for Younger Women . Younger women, ages 18-39 were involved as learners and service providers. Participants organized workshops, did community Service, learnt about working on committtees and did a fundraiser for the CWN Over 75 people participated during the course of one year in this. CSL Opening a Door Project in which CWN was able to get 4 university students as well as some financial assistance to help us organize workshops and a fundraiser for the organization.

Thinking about Tomorrow: a Micro Youth Initiative (funded by EIRC) forty youths, children and leaders participated in this Project which allowed for experiential learning, leadership development and program planning. Two Exchanges were organized under this initiative:

YOUTH Exchanges -Parents, youth leaders, community members and Exchange youths were totally involved in planning, travel, fundraising, hosting etc. It was a marvelous experience for all involved! younger women Leaders from P.L.A.C.E. took these projects under their wings and helped the youths to organize themselves. They accompanied the youths to toronto and also organized all the activities for the Edmonton visits

Power in Numbers




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